HH Partners supports OK Festival and particularly Openmind 2012 which is this year organised as a topic stream within OK Festival. OK Festival venue is the Aalto University School of Art, Design and Architecture at Hämeentie 135 C, Helsinki. Come and meet us on Openmind days on 18 and 19 September. Meet us at our stand or in HACK cinema 1!
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Article: Protecting the business of a gaming company – IPRs in games
This article was first published in IPRinfo 2/2012. Games and the gaming industry have progressed in leaps during the last 30 years. From simple storytelling via computers, we have come to a compelling and multilateral form of entertainment drawing from literature, movies and sports. Games offer an unprecedented possibility for human creativity in storytelling, and sweep the audience along to the storytelling, and to the production of the game’s content. According to estimates the global game industry was valued at 65 Billion USD in 2011. Currently the time and money spent on games is increasing, and the upward trend seems permanent. This article presents the basis of an IPR strategy of a gaming company. It gives an overview on how the choices made in an IPR strategy may affect a company’s practical choices, taking into account the company’s industrial environment. The Basis of an IPR Strategy An IPR strategy consists of (i) the identification of the central business elements to be protected, (ii) the tools – such as intellectual and industrial property rights (IPRs) – available to be used in such protection and (iii) the application of the tools within the business of the company. A strategy aims to…
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